FBC provides the HomePointe resources as a well defined set of guidance for each person within their context.  You may be single, a parent, a guardian, or a grandparent.  FBC wants to provide resources for all of your stages and situations of life.

  • As a single person, FBC will provide resources for you.
  • As a a parent, a guardian, or a grandparent, FBC will provide resources to help in your nurturing of each of your children's faith.

The FBC Faith@Home Center is that resource and is located in our foyer by the HeBrews café

FBC strongly believes that God has a plan for each individual! If you are single then God has a specific design and plan for your impact on others.  If you are a parent/guardian/grandparent (married or single) God has a design and plan for your impact in your family.

Within God's plan for you, you have a home.  If you are single then you must be serving to nurture those around you. If you have children or grandchiuldren then you must be nurturing them and those around them. 

The home is the primary place where faith is nurtured and modeled.  FBC provides excellence in children's ministries (link).  FBC also provides ready resources that each parent, guardian, and grandparent can use as they each uniquely influence their children.  

The Faith@Home Center will provide a variety of resources that will change every few months.  You will find "pointers" pamplets that deal with different stages of life and circumstances from all age groups.  You will find books,  cds, and dvds that will help you grow in your faith in your own unique family situation.  The resources that are on the Faith@Home Center will periodiocally change, so make sure to check out what is available right now!

Please stop by our Faith@Home center to learn more!

Faith@Home Online Resources

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