Current Electives

2024 Spring Electives (Starting April 28th):

Foundations - Studying Good and Evil (Taught by Ryan Antles):  This 4-week study on good and evil will focus on the reconciliation between our belief in a good, all-powerful God and living in a world that is fraught with evil. We will discuss the nature of evil in light of God's victory over sin. The purpose will be to both learn about the role Satan plays in the world and to be reassured of the victory we have in Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit in the Christian’s Life (Taught by John Gerard): Jesus Chirst has conquered sin and paid its debt (the "already complete"). However, we live with the constant battle of our sinful weaknesses (the "not yet perfected"). The Holy Spirit's role guides in this "already, but not yet" process of sanctification; leading us toward having the mind and obedience of Christ. The Triune God's Holy Spirit is the agent by which we are being transformed into Christlikeness. This brief class will survey the doctrine and role of the Holy Spirit. This class will also survey the impact that the Holy Spirit can have on each believer in today's culture. At the end of this four week class, you will have a firm view of the Holy Spirit's power and effectiveness that is ours for the asking, as we live out our God-given tasks.

Student Ministry Elective (Taught by Bob Berrington): High school and middle school students are encouraged to join Bob Berrington for an elective geared to students. They are currently studying prayer. High school students are also invited to jump into one of the adult electives. They will meet in room 22 in the main building.

Student Missions Trip Meeting (During Electives): Those going on the 2024 Youth Summer Missions Trip will be meeting with Pastor Jon in room 20


What Are Electives?


Electives are designed to engage in a more formal teaching setting to help our people more fully understand and embrace Biblical teaching.
Electives happen on Sunday Mornings from 11am-12pm



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